Daemonic sword ORPG Wiki
Daemonic sword ORPG Wiki

The Dark Forest is an area Southeast of Fira. Ramoria lies to its East through a blockade of rocks that can be destroyed. The entrance to Arachtus's Cave is in the SoutWest corner.


The hidden ?


The Dark Tree and Fusion shop


Sub Locations[]

  1. The Hunter's Hall is located at the east of the Dark Forest. Just west of the Fira Graveyard
  2. The Ancient Church is located at the north of the Dark Forest, just west of the Bear Cave
  3. The Bear Cave is located at the north of the Dark Forest, Just east of the Ancient Church. It's also west of the Hunter's Hall but there is a cliff in the way.
  4. Arachtus's Cave is on the southern border of the Dark Forest, before crossing the bridge into the Alexandrian Cemetary


Ore and Plants[]

  1. Patch of Amanita Brenellia just south of the Hunter's Hall.
  2. Patch of Spider's Eggs around the middle of the forest. South and west of both bridges. Right next to the altar.
  3. Patch of Arboris Fumo next to the Ancient Church.


Points of Interest[]
